The 5H Miracle Club

           The 5-H Miracle Club

A human flame-blowing technique called ‘The Dragons Breath’

Einstein:                           The Universe is either a Miracle…or, Its Not.

Jefferson Starship:          If only You Believed in Miracles, so would I.


Overcome Obstacles.       Focus upon Consciousness.

Quite often, in our modern, westernized society, we lose track of important priorities in our lives. Daily Life becomes a swirling blur, and is often filled with distracting anxieties.  Purely commercial or religious explanations no longer seem to assist us with our life goals, yet we should be able to establish a simple, helpful generic process that serves as the impetus for achieving one’s goals through an applied process. As the author of the New Muse book series, I often describe my own experiences, processes and values in my books. I coined the term, the ‘5H’ Club, initially, for family and a few friends to reflect how to be Holy, Healthy, Helpful, Heuristic and Happy.  A year later, I discovered Yogi Bhajan’s 3H system, which is focused upon being Healthy, Happy and Holy.  Bhajan’s influence is distributed in over 300 Yogic communities, in 35 countries.

Here’s more detail about the 5H system, what it means, and how you can join the club.
The only payment required is your Sincerity, the Fuel of all Systems.

Success is nearest to those whose efforts are intense and sincere.Patanjali

Every moment in our lives is a miracle we should enjoy instead of ignoring. - Yoko Ono



HolyThe first H of the 5H Club stands for the Holy

The first H of the 5H Club stands for the Holy. Often difficult to approach or understand, this topmost, primary position constitutes 99.999 percent of our Being, yet one can overlook their own  inner nature, which can be either quiet, or quite overwhelming. Often called God, this needn’t be a religious idea, but a direct contact with a spiritual presence is strongly suggested. See this presence as being alive; this is a right-brain feature, so we can utilize our true neural  capability. Each of us has a different background and different interests, so we don’t need to adhere to any specific protocol. For the Holy, You can use any feeling or image you wish, but…be intense and constantly hold your attention to this holiness, which you yourself have chosen.

Rather incredibly, godless Buddhists today have somehow forgotten Buddha’s very words. Thus, we shouldn’t consider today’s Buddhism to be similar to that of Siddhartha Gotama, the founder, in 450 BCE, who lived in the Himalayan region.  After his tragedy of Nirvana (Nirvana means ‘personal death’, not enlightenment!), Siddhartha later experienced something that he called The Lovely and also The Lamp. He began instructing his followers, his monks, and stated

If You are Not Intimate with the Lovely, Do not attempt the 8-Fold Path.

The vaunted 8-fold path in Buddhism, is Siddhartha’s idea of how his monks could achieve enlightenment through a series of lifestyle practices. Its rather amazing to me, that, he considered the Holy Presence, or his teaching  ‘intimacy with the Lovely’, to be the actual starting point for his monks, who could then achieve ongoing success via the 8-fold path, which will suddenly spring into life, after one is centered in their consciousness on the Holy, or Lovely. (Excerpts taken from Ananda K. Coomaraswamy; The Living Thoughts of Gotama). Without The LAMP, the Buddhist Path can be pointless.


Siddhartha’s great, powerful Nibannic (Nirvanic) experience is very similar to the mystical experience described in ancient China:

‘When One dies but the Body does Not Perish;

That one Knows Eternal Presence”

Tao-Te-Ching, by old Lao Tzu

(In the New Muse book, ANCIENT SHOCK, Buddha’s family is discussed in dramatic new detail)

Hopefully, the reader will grasp (another left brain interpretation word) the commonality of the Holy Presence in these few, simple renderings. While the holiness may have faded from today’s temples and churches, its really because of the Ego’s slow twisting of organized religion.  Something new is required to overcome stifling, analytical, modern philosophy, and the religious fog of today’s organized religions. Today’s young folks are often aware of this, and write about it.

‘I’m not aware of too many things.

Philosophy; is the Talk on a Cereal Box,

Religion; is a Lie in the Fog”

Edie Brickell &  The New Bohemians


The Great Forgetting

In the Ancient Ways, this would be seen as ‘Knowing Yourself’ and coming into contact with your higher nature. And its true, having only changed in its description by human folk, over the many ages and millennia. The Egyptians, Greeks, Hindu’s and other ancient cultures consistently spoke of humankind having a deeper holy nature, which was deeply involved in the great Wheel of Karma, as humans were born, lived, learned, and died upon the face of the Earth. These ancient cultures also warned about the souls ‘forgetfulness’ that we encounter once born and living here, in a surreal, phantasmagoric universe. The Greeks, as Socrates, called this condition ‘Anamnesis’, or the forgetting of the soul’s prior memories, which are called the hidden Samskaras by the Buddhists. In India, the great forgetting is displayed by the marvelous dance of Nataraja, where Shiva, the ‘free’ god dances upon a dwarf (the tiny EGO) who is also in forgetfulness of its true nature.

                                                                   Shiva-Nataraja dancing free upon the forgetful Ego-Dwarf.

Understanding the limitations to human consciousness and returning to this larger-than-human-life state of awareness was the real reason for Plato’s statement in 2500 years ago. These notions yield an entirely new view upon life, death, and the hereafter. There are only a few that penetrate into these depths; the masses forego the Holy, in the main, preferring and having other sundry things on their mind.

Pythagoras knew that most Greeks of his time had no deep abiding interest in Holy (hiero) subjects; he told his followers to ‘follow the road less traveled’, during their morning walks; thus these Pythagorean’s were of a different sort. In the mind of all humans, including the Reader, there is a constant battle; the left-brain is constantly trying to interpret reality.

What’s Real? Is it this, or that; here, or over there?           (left brain chatter)

Pythagoras instructed his students in a high-level of spiritual interpretation. The shortest words, he said, are Yes and No, yet they carry the greatest importance, because in this succinct view, the decision being made pertains to the individuals life and understanding of reality.  Knowing the Holy, both inside and out, is a choice you must make. This is also the deeper path of ‘Knowing Yourself’, as Socrates and the Oracle at Delphi advised. My advice is to always say Yes to the endlessness of possibilities that can exist in our lives, as the infinite universe. The tiny-yet-large Left Brain Ego, also known in neuropsychology as the Self Module, or the Great Interpreter, can effectively shut out, or occlude, the greatness that an individual can achieve in his or her lifetime. It shouts NO rather loudly.


When John Lennon first met a young Japanese Artist, he had a bit of trouble understanding her speech, and also her art.  In the center of a large chamber room, Yoko Ono had placed a simple wooden ladder, which seemed like an orphaned piece of art to the leader of the Beatles.  They walked over to the ladder. Then, Ono pointed up with her hand.  There was a very small message tacked to the tall ceiling, which couldn’t be seen without going up the ladder. So, Lennon went up the art-ladder and got closer. Then he saw the overpowering message.  One simple word, staggeringly overwhelmed him. The word? Yes. Thus, a tumultuous multi-cultural relationship of of British and Japanese artists began. They both thought highly of having an open mind.


So, this neural hemispheric stuff is not mere idle words; if a overly-analytical person leans too strongly and becomes ‘left-brain-dominant’, the great door of extended reality is shut, never even opened. The left-brain Great Joseph Campbell on what you seekInterpreter says No to any possibility of a Holy presence, and thus, as Aldous Huxley once quipped, ‘the flow of consciousness is reduced to a mere trickle’. And the Ego, an internal orphan, lonely by itself, then wonders what went wrong in its life. This is the plight of Atheists, or those who never recognize the spiritual labyrinth inside themselves,  the ‘long and winding road’ that Lennon wrote about.

In the 1970′ Dr. Roger Sperry won his Noble Prize for the discovery of the neural hemispheric functions. Shortly thereafter, a neuroscience practice of curing Epilepsy was achieved in the surgeon’s room,by severing the connective tissue (corpus callosum) which connects the left and right hemispheres. After the strange new surgery, neuroscientist V. S. Ramachandra found, after questioning, that a person’s left brain did not perceive god or a holy presence. The Separated right brain, however, strongly believed in a God-like presence.  The implications are truly remarkable, as another aspect of our neural ‘radio’.

The Holy may seem like a dark cavern to the fearful ego. Not to worry. You are the Light. Just flip your Holy Switch. Sincerity is Electric. See your true nature.

Pindar, the ancient Greek Olympic Poet, wrote his marvelous poems, called  ‘Victory Odes’ to illustrate the potential victory of the soul over the mortal senses. The Greek masses never understood his poems, it is said, as they were not of a mortal nature. Hopefully You will, its important. A lot of spiritual experience and symbolism is coyly tied up in his words.


Creatures of a day! What is anyone?

What is anyone not? A dream of a shadow

Is our mortal being. But when there comes to men

A gleam of splendour given of heaven,

Then rests on them a light of glory

        And blessed are their days.

Pindar, Pythagoras, Socrates and Greek mystical philosophy are just one ancient way of looking into the Holy nature of one’s self. Study the best of the ancient methods and meditate deeply upon your own nature.  Be True to Your Self. As you meditate, do not hesitate to record your spiritual experiences in a Journal.

As psychic and spiritual experiences are received and perceived by You, its absolutely essential to assimilate them into your psychology and life style.

Deep Yoga-style systems are highly recommended, but one has to be wary of the wheat versus the chaff, as in all things.  In the New Muse Series, its indicated that the Greeks had their own yoga-like secret teachings.







We should listen to the 2,500 year old words of Hippocrates, the Father of Greek Medicine:  “Physician; Heal Thy Self”.  Being healthy is listed as the 2nd H, directly after the acknowledgement of the Holy.       

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in which disease and infirmity are absent.”                                             Wikipedia

I choose to be Healthy….so I can be Happy. VoltairePortrait by Nicolas de Largillière, c. 1724

Without your health, it is difficult to perform in life, and ancient folk placed a great emphasis on health and spiritual healing, and associated it with the holy essence within the individual. Modern medicine separates the mind and body during the treatment of its patients.  In the 5-H process, we can join the physical, mental and spiritual. The study of the human physical, mental and electromagnetic bodies is an endless science. Personally, I avoid the mainstream medical establishment, with their many known woes, and instead, focus upon a regime of good diet, an active physical and mental lifestyle, natural medicines, and the gathering of medical knowledge, both mainstream and alternative. Its certainly possible to be healthy while keeping a good distance from good old doc, however, some must rely heavily on mainstream medicine, as their days move along. Its good to count most of your days as healthy ones. Feel Compassion for those who don’t. As Voltaire said, we can choose to be healthy to contribute to our happiness. 

Pathogens: There are several ways to manifest good health, for both the body and mind. As we age, according to the microbiologists, there is a marked increase in our ‘pathogenic load’, consisting mainly of bacteria, fungus and viral bodies. Controlling the increase of our pathogenic load greatly decreases our chances of immune-system diseases. Arthritis, pneumonia, Alzheimer’s and 500 other health symptoms are created by these billions of microbes coursing through the body, causing havoc as they go. The pathogenic load fluctuates in both its strength and symptom…one month a person could have a severe symptom, and something totally different the next. This was my experience for years, until I finally learned how to heal myself. Most sick folks desperately go to a doctor for antibiotics, not knowing that these drugs greatly harm internal organs; the very word ‘antibiotic’ means, ‘Against Life’.  The AMA (American Medical Association) has ranked the American Medical System as the ‘3rd leading cause of death’. While extremely expensive, the American Medical System is also very deadly, with a plethora of reasons too lengthy to mention here. Under such conditions, why not seek out a natural solution?  Personally, I utilize a 3,000 year old Ayurveda technique utilizing coconut oil, for ingesting, cooking, and topical uses. This miracle oil contains lauric acid, which is deadly to our pathogenic load. Deepak Chopra has more detailed information on coconut oil and its many uses: Drinking water with measured portions of either vinegar, lemon juice, or baking-soda, is also a very good way to positively effect the bloodstream and keep the pathogenic load in check. Fortunately, due to my interest in natural health, I’ve only been to a doctor twice in 20 years.
So, the natural health process really works well, however, if you have an issue beyond your knowledge, consult a doctor. 

Dr. Joseph Mer cola is also a good alternative source for natural health information. 


Hippocrates:  Let Thy Food Be Thy MedicineHippocrates | Biography, Works, & Facts | Britannica

Gathering knowledge of the many known healthy foods and various herbal solutions, including the Chinese methods, are another powerful way to shore up your daily health. However, I still find the coconut oil to be the deadliest weapon against pathogens, while being very safe to use, and take herbs mainly for organ-specific  health support.

Music: The simply playing of and listening to Music, of the right soothing type, is associated with the easing of pain, when one’s health is compromised. 

What did ancient people know about the health psychology of Music?

The I-Ching:       Music has the power to release tension 


The Greeks:          Listening to Music stops pain.

Its the same today, so include Music in your health regime.

Bob Marley - One Good Thing about Music, when it hits, you feel no Pain!

Bob Marley:         One Good Thing about Music, when it                                                 hits, you feel no Pain!

I’m listening to soft jazz as I write this, and listen to music for many hours of the day, in a variety of styles. Writing and Music go together.

Years ago, I would go to visit Richard Brown, an old school chum and remarkable athlete, at either the hospital or his medically supervised home. A former national decathlete, Richard was now in great pain, having a severe blood circulation problem, and had lost a leg and arm, with the others also turning black. His pain medications didn’t dominate the pain, and the last few days of Richard’s life were in total misery, except for a few, precious moments. I would take my guitar and sing for him as he lay, some of my own songs, and a few covers. We talked for hours about spirituality and I shared with him what knowledge I had gained. He absorbed everything I said, going into deep thought. One day, he made a remarkable statement, which amazed me. Richard said, ‘Whenever you play your music, I don’t feel pain’. I had not yet read of the psychological effects of Music upon pain. And so I played, until he died, or should I say, passed through his Veil. Everyone has their time to go. Life is a series of hello’s and goodbye’s. I can’t say RIP Richard, because he’s an active fellow, so He gets a energetic Blessing instead.  

While our music, food, herbs & magical oils are quintessential in developing and maintaining good physiological health, there are more psychological and mental methods that have been researched and found to be helpful for health. As Einstein stated the world may be a miracle, lets focus for a moment upon medical miracles. While Music is a great psychological tool for minimizing or eliminating pain there are more amazing health-assisting methods which will astound you. 


The Energy of Thought can Split Space and Time

If you search for the words ‘remote healing’ on the internet, you’ll find a wide body of interest and many websites offering to inform and instruct you, in the various techniques of remote healing, which include intense, passionate prayers of health and well-bring. Mind-to-mind connections can facilitate “energy healing” as well as distant psychic and spiritual healing.  Research has shown that we have a human capacity to stabilize and direct our attention to outflow our prayers, our energy, and our healing intentions to bring increased health to the sick and those in need. In his book, Meaning and Medicine, visionary physician Larry Dossey asks:

“How do prayer, non-contact therapeutic touch, extended effects of meditation, effects of transpersonal or distant imagery, and diagnosis at a distance fit into modern medicine? Can they fit? I believe the answer is yes, if we are bold enough to extend our views of the mind.”

There are dozens of exhaustive clinical trials (  that show the efficacy of guiding and training one’s energetic thoughts upon an remotely located unhealthy person. 

Self-Hypnosis: Similar to remote healing in terms of energetic expression, I have personally found that dietary self-hypnosis, allied with a low-carbohydrate diet, successfully restored my health, by eliminating the constant yo-yo mode of weight gain over the years. I now maintain a steady, good weight and my own techniques of Self-Hypnosis have enabled me to avoid those severe health issues of diabetes and obesity, which can also lead to depression. Dr. Bernie Siegal is another medical author who also promotes the powerful effects of consciousness and self-healing. He uses a deep trance technique he calls Remote Energy Healing, which can also be directed upon one’s own self. .





In the Christian’s bible, its reported  that Jesus (Yeshua) once instructed his followers to simply love God and also their neighbor. This remains the best advice that one can receive, so the task is ours to take up. Being helpful, in whatever diverse way you choose, is a small blessing to those whom you choose to help, in small ways or big ways. The resonance of being helpful is a great psychological boon to those with sincere minds. Numerous neurological and scientific reports of the benefits of being helpful have been consistently overwhelming. The conclusion is obvious: 



                                              BEING A HELPFUL PERSON HELPS YOU! 

The spiritual teacher known as Ram Dass once asked guru Maharishi Yogi, the founder of  TM(Transcendental Meditation) how to raise the Kundalini, the hidden, coiled consciousness in the lower spine. The guru’s answer was surprising and simple:


“Lift Your Self up by Lifting Someone Else.”   Booker T. Washington

With so many health and mental epidemics looming everywhere in American society, why don’t we focus on these few ancient but mighty core values of the 5H club, and be consciously helpful as we can to those souls moving around us?

When you start to develop your powers of empathy and imagination, the whole world opens up to you.

Susan Sarandon

“Learning to stand in somebody else’s shoes, to see through their eyes, that’s how peace begins. And it’s up to you to make that happen. Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world.” 

         Barack Obama


The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.”                         Albert Schweitzer


“No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.”                                               –Theodore Roosevelt


“Whoever, monks, would tend me, he should tend the sick.”

Siddhartha Gotama ~ Buddha ~ 450 BCE.


Heuristic be bold, creative discoverers

Heuristic is a fancy word I learned while in the Mainframe business. It really means, simply, that we are to be bold, creative discoverers of what awaits us upon our path, the road of our life. Each person’s life can be heuristic, to a large or small degree. We often move at what seems to be a snails pace; at other times, Life rushes along.                                                                                                                                 

As a provocative author, I am constantly stunned at the new discoveries I make while on a creative endeavor, such as the writing of The Vikings Secret Yoga. All artists and creative persons, regardless of career are naturally curious and thus, Heuristic in their method, as are young children.   Express your Inner Child’s curiosity as you move though life. Discover Miracles in new understanding. 

‘ The Universe is either a Miracle or its Not’             

               Albert Einstein


“I’m happy to report that my Inner Child is still ageless.”   

                James Broughton


         “Everyone Learns Better When They’re Awake”

                A Teacher


Philosopher Aldous Huxley once wrote that our Ego-mind causes a great reduction in the appreciation of universal reality; he called it a ‘trickling down’ of something much greater in scope. The overcoming of the Ego’s extremely small estimation of reality is the true, effective way for spiritual growth, and it’s always been so, for all of humanity, although this ‘way’ expresses itself in endless flavors called religions and spiritual paths. Regardless, of the Flavor, there IS a Way, and each of us will call it their own; this reflects the endless diversity of opportunities in this unfolding universe.

As we are brought into this world, in the personal sense, we seemingly start our mental, psychic lives as a young babe; a tabula rasa, or blank slate, as the Romans used to say. Interestingly, as we write upon our blank mental slate, neuroplasticity occurs in our neural background as we grow. The brain constantly prunes itself, as a natural gardener, discarding, old unused neurons from the brain. We generate new neurons from undeveloped ‘stem’ cells, whenever we exercise our minds in areas of new experience and interest. These cells are then locked into a type of patterned group, as neurons which ‘fire together-wire together’ and become semi-permanent neural structures in the brain. All the while, through the losing and gaining of brain and body cells, our ever-growing personal cocoon, our growing knowledge is somehow maintained. Further, we must repeatedly use our neurons through the growing experiences of our lives…or we lose them to our ‘neural gardener’. Throughout this endless cellular transience of neuroplasticity, our internal knowledge of ourselves and the world mysteriously ascends upon a rising scaffold of consciousness, occasionally intensifying even to the stage of Transcendent Awareness. The Ego and Personality grow quickly, and we progress rapidly from childhood to adulthood and in doing so, we gather prodigious psychological forces within us, which are both informational and motivational, as we write upon our inner neural slate.

“From the very beginning of his education, the child should experience the joy of discover

 Alfred North Whitehead

Another way of describing our mental growth, is to say that we populate our subconscious with new information and values which act as a springboard for the emerging consciousness of the Ego-Personality. As we grow into our lives, we emerge with fledgling potential; we develop extraordinary psychological powers; even Wisdom. While the emerging butterfly sheds its Chrysalis, and learns to fly anew, we too will soar off somewhere inside of ourselves into the supreme adventure of our own psyche, well beyond the cocoon-like restrictions of the physical body. These creative, emerging traits will be our new wings as we live and grow though our inner and outer lives. As is stated in the Hindu Upanishads, we cannot help but to be creative in our search for value, meaning and truth. We constantly foster our psychological and physical environment; whether helpful and good…or damaging and destructive; we endlessly create our personal reality throughout our entire lives, yet the depth of truth and satisfaction remain for elusive for most:

“The face of Truth is covered with a brilliant golden lid:

that do thou remove, O Fosterer, for the law of the Truth, for Sight.

Isha Upanishad

As children grow and psychologically emerge from their human chrysalis, each new, young individual will be participating in social structures almost immediately. They will both influence and be influenced by the outside world at large. This is not only psychologically and culturally true but also biologically true as evidenced by the strong rise of the science of Epigenetics, which studies the effects of the outside world upon the makeup of the dynamic human genome. The outside world does indeed affect our bodies genetic makeup; our particular bio-cocoon. Contrast that idea with the previously supposed biological notion that your genes alone create your physical destiny; your life’s path. This scientific idea of genes is important, but only as a pre-cursor to the more dynamic science of Epigenetics. Gene-science itself now seems to have more limited value, and simply doesn’t begin to address the nature and color of our minds. In this book, we follow a strong, internal neural theme that suggests there is an important, yet subtle passing of neuropsychological energy, both conscious and unconscious, coursing throughout our brains and bodies…and also between each of us.

This energy represents our latent psychological and spiritual potential. This powerful, yet subtle neuropsychological energy can be seen everywhere, if we look. It’s our in our body language, thoughts, speech, social valuations, visual glances, esteemed ideas, passionate emotions, personal desires, and still other modalities, such as Love, both inwardly and outwardly focused.

This remarkable energy seems to be created in our mind…and yet, as we shall see, it is exerted from beyond our brain… in the remarkable pulsations of our own beating neuronal hearts, which extend strong electromagnetic waves throughout and well beyond the physical body. This internal ‘psychic energy’, as psychologist C.G. Jung called it, is extremely sensitive and does sublimely interact with the external sensing of ‘the world’ at large. To borrow a phrase from Chaos Science, there is a ‘sensitive dependence upon initial conditions.’
This simply means that our own initial birth into a biological ‘neural body,’ along with the social aspects of raising a child in a particular environment, will always produce a distinct, unique, individual Mind. The intense societal persuasion to be ‘normal’ is a heavily-cherished myth of the masses. Good, bad, or indifferent, this is how civilization grows…from the inside out; as endlessly creative children are born and emerge as adults in our competitive societies. They are massively creating new social zeitgeists; again, good, bad or indifferent. Our world civilization is like the river that always changes as it constantly flows…into the future. But, what of our Butterflies wandering direction?

Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run

There’s still time to change the road you’re on.

 Led Zeppelin

Long ago, in the famous ‘Pythagorean Y’ mystical tradition there was an emblematic process called ‘The Forking of the Ways’. The ‘Y’ character in English originated from the Greek letter Upsilon, and was a visual, metaphoric illustration for how our brains work…and for how our decisions help to shape our destiny.

“The Pythagoras Letter, Two Ways Spread,

Shows the Two Paths in which Man’s Life is Led.”

                                                                     The Pythagorean’s 

The Y-upsilon signified the all-important power of choice and was used by the Greeks in their initiations into their secret Mystery Schools. The Y consists of a stem which separated into two parts, one branching to the right and the other to the left. When a child grew into adulthood, they were expected to make a choice as to the type of life they would live. The branch to the right was called Divine Wisdom and the one to the left Earthly Wisdom. If the children chose the Left path, the lesser road of Earthly Wisdom, then they set upon a path of choosing to live life materialistically, selfishly and with a cold, predatory logic towards their survival. They live an egotistical life to be lived for the purposes of desire. Centuries later, Rene Descartes, a student of the Pythian Way, also wrote that all men were of two different mind-types. The Pythagorean’s considered the Left path to be the lesser journey of failure and mindlessness. It took courage to follow the right-hand path:

“True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes,

but the firm resolve of virtue and reason.

Alfred North Whitehead

If children chose the Right path of the Y-Epsilon, then they developed, through interest and devotion, a deeper inner knowing about their intrinsic Divine nature. They underwent trials of difficulty during their spiritual, perceptive development period, while journeying towards a greater consciousness that highly valued Virtue. In finding their Divine Nature inside themselves, they came to sublime Peace. The Pythagorean ‘Forking of the Ways’ represented the potential character of the emerging adult. And now, our question is; what is the character of these children in the early 21st century and going forward? What type of character will children have…in a rapidly accelerating futuristic society?
Is human character, as seen for its Virtue, a survival trait for living sanely… or something becoming useless in a modern, ill-mannered society? Is modern character a matter of the deep Heart or rather a dominating Ego? These new individuals, ever ‘fostering’ and expressing themselves upon the ‘Forking of their Ways’, create societies, cultures, and civilizations. Could the good flowing river of our civilization become a torrential, ego-driven technological Tsunami of overwhelming proportions in the future?


Happy. Focus upon The 5H's.

Wanna put on a  serene happy face and dance when nobody’s watching? 

Fast or Slow, Yes, You do. 

It can be done. By focusing our resources upon the 5H club, we slowly begin to move into new arenas, with new directions in our lives.  Why be stagnant and unhappy, when you can join the 5H Club? 



“People are generally as Happy as they make up their minds to be.” 

                                                       Abraham Lincoln


Capture Happiness!  Carpe Diem.  Carpe Nocturn

Meditating at night is a deep way of capturing happiness

Meditating at night is a deep way of capturing happiness. Choose your options carefully, let each portion of the 5H process sink deeply into your mindset; do you really want to live any other way? Missing an H or two makes Joey or Susie an unhappy camper. And life is already difficult as it is, no? So, be creative and develop your own 5H process, and generate both new ideas and energy to bring your 5H system into clear view.  Notes are nice. Images too. Your change is inevitable; make it great!




                 All is True   ~   Shakespeare

               “Don’t Breath Fire upon your Mirror”     Andreas Vollenweider 


our behavior produces an effect upon our lives

How could it be possibly true, Shakespeare’s medieval statement that ‘All is True’?  Aren’t there supposed to be things that are either true, or untrue?

Its stated quite often, in ancient literature, that our behavior produces an effect upon our lives. In the Bible, this is known as ‘Reaping as You Sow’. In ancient India, the notion of Karma restates that ‘what goes around, comes around’, and even expands the biblical concept to include karma and reincarnation, which are extremely deep concepts, dealing with past lives, etc. Happiness is usually associated with understanding Karma, so, we know the wisdom of not breathing fire upon our own mirror. And there’s more…

In The New Muse Series, its written that Mirror Matter, a new scientific, quantum theorized process, is likely involved in these ongoing, invisible cosmic events, which we call our daily lives.  

“In physics, mirror matter, also called shadow matter or Alice matter, is a hypothetical counterpart to ordinary matter. Mirror matter may also be detected in electromagnetic field penetration experiments and there would also be consequences for planetary science and astrophysics.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mirror Matter; Wikipedia

Mirror Matter, still yet to be fully understood by quantum science, is a logical puzzle-piece to be joined to the long-puzzling nature of Karma, the old eastern understanding. This mirroring of matter occurs in our bodies and minds, including our electromagnetic aspect, and also in the  mirroring of all atoms, stars, galaxies, etc. In all likelihood, there are multidimensional, invisible mirror moons, suns and galaxies. There are no exceptions, for anything that has mirroring form. This endless concept and/or reality readily explains how how a human can make an imprint upon their own local mirror-process, as has been suggested by the ancients. As Swiss musician Andreas Vollenweider said, we have to wise up, quickly, and realize we must not ‘Breath Fire upon our Mirror’. This is an extremely valuable lesson to learn while walking upon our path of life. Further, this ubiquitous, universal mirror can be thought of, if we wish, as being sentient…and alive. 

“Can’t You See Its All Alive?       SEAL


If only you could see the whole picture, if you knew the whole story, you would realize that no problem ever comes to you that does not have a purpose in your life, that cannot contribute to your inner growth. When you perceive this, you will recognize that problems are opportunities in disguise. If you did not face problems, you would just drift through life. It is through solving problems in accordance with the highest light we have that inner growth is attained.   Peace Pilgrim


The earliest ancient Egyptians considered Thoth, the god of Divine Mind, or Divine Wisdom, was (and this is important!), the ‘Recording Angel’, who captured or recorded your lifetime, as it proceeded from birth to death. Perhaps this Recording Angel…is ancient intuition for a living Mind, described now in analytical, scientific terms as mirror matter.  The implications for Panpsychism are tremendous; this divine mind is in all things, creatures and humans, ranging from minute ProtoConciouness, to the limited intelligence we currently observe in our own humanness, to the greatness of the Galactic star system, which the Egyptians Call RA, the House of Divine Mind, which scattered itself throughout the Cosmos. 

Divine Mind, it would seem….is an unfolding, cosmic Seed. So, we should Grow, if we would be Happy.


the flow of this 5H life path

When describing the flow of this 5H life path, always start from the left, as follows;                                                                                                                                                                  

       Holy > Healthy > Helpful > Heuristic > Happy


Simple enough?

So, if we are explaining correctly, a person’s daily life can be goal-focused based upon the holiness of it, the sincere desire to be healthy and helpful, while living the life of learning and discovery (heuristic, creative, etc). Anyone having these 4 qualities of behavior, will be best suited to experience the extremely elusive 5th H: Happiness. SO, to live a life induced to happiness, given the challenges of life, is to be Holy, Healthy, Helpful and Heuristic, always learning.

Focus upon The 5H's.

If one sincerely employs these simple disciplines of the 5H Club, which should include regular meditation, depression and anxiety can slowly melt away, or, even quickly disappear, as new direction and goals replace negative thinking and behavior. Meditation, study, and contemplation are strong components of a solid 5H life-building platform. Following the Yoga of Patanjali, Paramhansa Yogananda, and Sri Aurobindo, from out of the thousands of available yoga authors, guru’s and teachers, is a strong recommendation for a solid foundation. BKS Iyengar’s book commentary on Patanjali is a good choice. 

“Live Happily; Die Majestically”

Yogin BKS Iyengar

My sister loves the simpleness of these few poignant ideas, and put a 5H note upon her fridge, as a reminder to dispel negativity. It becomes a kitchen talisman. The 5H Club can also be seen as integral Yoga, as it connects the many dots…of life.

In science, its often stated, as in the axiom of Occam’s Razor, that the best solution to a problem is usually the simplest one. The 5H Club’s priority-system requires the ordinary Ego to cease its own self-monitoring, and begin to enjoin with something greater than itself, and to be helpful to others. You, me, and everyone else are Spiritual Mavericks, Mavericks with an outstanding, marvelous opportunity. You read about it here, hidden behind our daily circus of fake news, and fake history:  ‘This is the chance of a lifetime!  Well, yes it is, but the intensity and sincerity are up to us.  What will we think and do today, with its many potential moments? This 5H process is very ancient, even predating all known organized religions, we have only renamed this ancient method to simplify the overall, generic process, which is  free to all who will focus on these priorities. Put them on the Fridge, if you wish.

The Prism illustrates the Holy dividing into the resources of life The Prism illustrates the Holy dividing into the resources of life.


“I always tell people, live happily and die majestically.” -B. K. S. Iyengar, 14 Dec. 1918 – 20 Aug. 2014.

I wish you, in your life, great Holiness, Healthiness, Helpfulness, Heuristic-Discovery, and finally, great Happiness to you, my friend, in the divine, cosmic 5H Club       ❤😉😎👌


                               Peace, Love, Lessons, Wisdom, then Flight ~!~

                                                    Steven A KeySteven-A-Key-Favicon

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